Sunday, March 20, 2011


Went to the YMCA today to play in the pool with the family, when I remembered my promise to weigh myself. so I step on the scale and set it on 200 lbs. ( I wish). I slide is slowly over on the bottom, and it settles at 227. Now I am suffering Fat Pig syndrome. Sadly this makes me depressed, which in turn makes me hungry. Now I know just how much I have let myself go, and have a better idea what I have to do.  I think I'll cut off a leg. That should weigh at least 30 lbs or so.yes, I am kidding (or am I?) No. if I did that, I'd have to eat even less to not be the size of a house. Oh well. Till next time.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Ok, its 12:45 am and I am STARVING!!! I know  I should not head for the fridge and shove the first thing my hand lands on in my face, but I want to soooo bad. Is that a crime? Is it a crime to dream about cookies? What about steak? Oh well. If it is I am going to prison.
Any hoo, I have decided to check if I can find a scale at the Y next time I am there, and record my weight here when ever I can. Yes I am crazy. My reasoning is simple. If I record it where people can read it, I will have to actually try just so I don't feel like I have let my imaginary audience down. Another recurring dream for me, being famous and having more than the few folks who read this, reading this, and cheering me on.( think Tim Curry acid flash back ala RHPS)
Back to the steak. I have written off the vegetarian thing, on account of it is impossible while living with my husband, with my lack of will power. All the will I have is being used to avoid gorging myself every time I get bored.Apples are gonna be my new friend, along with carrot sticks. I figure I can draw little faces on them and then pretend to be a giant eating my enemies.Do I have any enemies? Not sure....... ok, so just random people on the street. That should be satisfying. We'll see.
Untill next time.....................................ME!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just getting started.

Hello. I am fat. 225ish of fat. this is Very large for a woman who barley makes 5ft 2. And so I have started this blog as a place to chronicle my journey back to health, I hope. maybe this will make it a bit easier for me, and maybe it wont. Lets find out.
As I begin this post, I sit in front of my computer dreaming of buttery bagels. Bad, considering I am supposed to be a vegan, a strategy I started some time last summer. I don't make a very good vegetarian, let alone vegan, so it has not had a whole lot of effect. My new strategy is calorie counting. If I can keep it under 1400 for more than a week, I'll cut it back a bit more. For now I cant seem to get even close to that no matter how hard I try. There is always an excuse. I'm working on it.
well that's it for now. Chow!- Krystal